Sunrise on Keweenaw Bay

Sunrise on Keweenaw Bay

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

A busy day at St. Michael parish...

Some things that happened today:  8:00 am Mass, well attended today, then the Coffee Social (there IS a connection!), Morning Prayer with a parishioner who is going through the struggle of learning to pray the breviary, worked on taxes, Boy Scout group at the school working on the Ad Altare Dei award, 5:15 pm Mass (just one parishioner, it's not normally at this time on Tuesdays, but she was a very good sport!), visit to the hospital, re-run of the first session of A Quick Journey through the Bible, the 8-segment version of The Bible Timeline

Whew!  And not an abnormally busy day, no major crises...

If there was every any doubt that prayer is essential, the core, the foundation for ministry, busy days make it both clearer, and sometimes hard to make time for!  Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of us your faithful, and kindle in us the fire of your love.

I think I'll go pray the rosary!

Good Night!

God Bless, Fr. Ben

1 comment:

  1. Hi Fr. Ben. Hope all is going well for you. It sounds like your settling in fine. I pray for you and all the Priest & Deacons each day so you can go before the Lord to prepare his way and teach others salvation through the forgivness of sin. You know it's not original but on a deeper level it's awesome! Will you be posting photos soon of your new parish family and your events?

    Take care and God bless!
    Matt Shepard
